Emily Scott
Austin, Texas
Emily Scott is an award-winning artist born and raised in the Kootenai Valley in northwest Montana. Scott eventually moved to Seattle to pursue higher education. After seeing 20 countries volunteering with the Peace Corps, Scott has settled back in the US making art inspired by the natural wonders from her travels. Her work emanates the constant, soothing—yet—powerful energy of our universe. Her current artistic focus is on the enchanting landscapes of the Southwest United States.
Emily Scott is passionate about empowering women to step into their true selves, to love themselves, and take control of their personal uprising, regardless of its outward appearance. Scott’s work has been featured at Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, VIDA, Minted, Target Limited Edition; her work has also been featured on several blogs including Desert Hue, Arts Business Institute, Inner Moonlight Designs, and Women in Art 278. Her work was also featured on BBC's DIY SOS: The Big Build and in private collections all over the world. Emily wishes to remind viewers of her art of the connection that we all have to the earth and to all elements of the universe.